Make a Donation

Donating to Nourri-Source Montréal
enables support to more families

Nourri-Source Montreal is an independent non-profit community organization registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Its operation rely on funding from government donors and on the contribution of donors and volunteers.

Every donation is precious……THANK YOU for your generosity!


Following your donation, you will receive a tax receipt.

Did you know

  • A donation of $ 10 enables a family to attend our prenatal breastfeeding preparation workshop
  • A donation of $ 25 allows a family to receive a brief consultation with an IBCLC-certified lactation consultant as part of a breastfeeding drop-in
  • A donation of $ 75 can be used to recruit a new member of la Route du Lait and provide them with a starter kit
  • A donation of $ 100 can be used to loan a hospital-grade breast pump for 1 month to a family experiencing breastfeeding difficulties
  • A donation of $ 150 allows a family to benefit from a one-on-one one-hour meeting with an IBCLC-certified lactation consultant to discuss their particular breastfeeding difficulties