Breastfeeding Resource Guide

Fundraising campaign in progress!

Help us make services easier to access by developing the Resource Guide.

New version of the Montreal Breastfeeding Resource Guide!


The Breastfeeding resources guide allows you to find resources according to the CLSC territory or to search by service.


We are excited to let you know that a brand new version of the Breastfeeding Resource Guide is available!




What you need to know next


Already a member of the Guide?

Expect to receive an email in the coming weeks to sign up for the new version!


Do you offer breastfeeding services and would like to be included in the Guide?

Complete the form! 


Want to consult the Guide?

We look forward to providing you with a comprehensive and effective resource to support your breastfeeding journey or that of the families you support.

We are very excited to share this new and improved version with you!