The team

Executive Director and IBCLC

Sophie Morel, directrice et IBCLC

(514) 948-5160 #2

Sophie Morel 

A graduate in nutrition from the Université de Montréal and holder of a certificate from the IBLCE, Sophie has been involved in community work since 2011. After starting her career as a nutritionist in a CLSC with a multi-ethnic adult clientele, she turned to perinatal care. She is currently completing a certificate in administration.

Following the birth of her first child, she discovered a passion for breastfeeding, baby feeding and carrying. After her second pregnancy, she became involved with Nourri-Source Montreal as a volunteer, before working as a project manager. Her personal and professional experiences allow her to have a global vision of the organization and the issues surrounding breastfeeding.

Since December 2020, she holds the position of Executive Director, all the while training breastfeeding mentors and participating in breastfeeding clinics as a lactation consultant. As Director, she is responsible for coordinating the work of the team, representing Nourri-Source Montreal to institutional and community partners, and ensuring the development and sustainability of the organization for the coming years.

Development Officer

Aurélie Doyen, agente de développement

Aurélie Doyen  

Aurélie holds a degree in Food and Agriculture Engineering with a background in nutrition and health. She has more than eight years of experience in project development and marketing/communication.

As a young mother, sociable and considerate, she naturally turned to the community sector, touching on nutrition, health and on providing support to young mothers.

As a development officer, Aurélie's mandate is to consolidate and develop Nourri-Source Montreal's services on the island of Montreal. She liaises with community partners and Integrated Health and Social Services University Networks (CIUSSS for its acronym in French) in the city while supporting mentors in their role as volunteers for their sector.

Development and Liaison Officer

Ellie Nash, agente de développement

Ellie Nash  

Having studied political science, international development and business administration, Ellie's career path is naturally a mosaic. Prior to coming to Montreal, she worked in elementary education in disadvantaged areas in Texas and in promoting childhood immunization in rural India. More recently, Ellie has been supporting newly arrived immigrants in Montreal.

With the birth of her daughter in May 2019, Ellie felt an immediate sense of solidarity with past, present and future mothers. Becoming a mentor seemed like a perfect way to do this. She joined the first cohort of pandemic-trained mentors in June 2020.

As Development and Liaison Officer, Ellie's mandate is to consolidate and develop Nourri-Source Montreal's services throughout the island of Montreal. She liaises with community partners and the Integrated Health and Social Services University Network (CIUSSS for its acronym in French) in the city while supporting mentors in their role as volunteers for their sector.

Support agent

Description to come!

Administration manager

Yohan Lamurias 

Yohan est un catalyseur de solutions, engagé et fédérateur. Motivé et stimulé par des relations humaines authentiques, multiculturelles et significatives, il s'attache à créer des collaborations structurantes et gagnant-gagnant.


Depuis plus de 10 ans, il est impliqué à développer des expériences humaines riches de sens ainsi que des communautés plus pérennes axées sur le partage et l'entraide, cela de manière organique et par itération. Que ce soit auprès d'organisations ou d'individus, ce joueur d'équipe curieux et rigoureux aime mettre à contribution sa créativité et ses compétences afin de maximiser l'impact positif de leurs actions.


Après des implications en événementiel sportif et corporatif, à C2 Montréal et à la JCCM, il a choisi de s'engager pour une meilleure inclusion et intégration de la diversité dans la société et le milieu des affaires. Depuis 2019, il a ainsi conçu et animé un bureau d'appui aux chambres de commerce de la diversité à Concertation Montréal puis il a créé et développé un service de relation d’aide par et pour les jeunes chez Tel-jeunes.

Il a rejoint Nourri-Source Montréal comme Agent de développement et de liaison pour développer et consolider les services de l’organisme sur les différents territoires de l’île de Montréal (en particulier dans l’Ouest) et pour développer le réseau de partenaires et les liens avec les bénévoles et les familles.

Communication manager


After graduating in communications ten years ago, Rosita has had the opportunity to work in a variety of fields, from visual arts to community work.

Throughout her experiences, she has discovered a true passion for social projects that resonate beyond web platforms and reach out to people.

As a communications officer, Rosita's mandate is to develop and enrich the communication tools within Nourri-Source and to contribute to spreading its values.

Lactation consultant

Marie Delsol 

For over 10 years, Marie has passionately supported breastfeeding families. After arriving in Quebec in 2014, she quickly became involved as a mentor with Nourri-Source Montréal, dedicating herself to both one-on-one pairings and breastfeeding drop-ins, which she especially loves for their social and community-driven nature.

Alongside her volunteer work, Marie has pursued numerous perinatal training courses, enriching an eclectic and varied resume that ranges from classical archaeology to advanced professional experience in motion capture.

Looking to deepen her volunteer commitment by becoming a co-sector leader and eager to continue learning from her peers and other professionals, Marie decided to embark on a career transition to become an IBLCE-certified consultant. After successfully returning to university studies, she passed the exam alongside her colleague Marion Fréchette in September 2022 and received her certification in January 2023.

With this achievement in hand, Marie continues her involvement with Nourri-Source, participating as a professional in some breastfeeding drop-ins and in the ongoing training offered to mentors. This beautiful continuity has led to Marie officially joining the team!